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Home Culture Cultural News Iran-China's Qinghai province hold joint media meeting

Iran-China's Qinghai province hold joint media meeting

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Iran-China's Qinghai province hold joint media meeting

Addressing the event, Ying Xiuli, the Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Qinghai province, said that Media is an important way to promote friendly cooperation.

She added that Iran and China are in Asia and efforts have recently been made to expand relations based on the new concept of comprehensive strategic partnership.

The two countries have decided to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership, she said, adding that Qinghai's governor visited Iran, especially Ardebil province, where a bilateral agreement was also signed.

She noted that it created a new platform for deepening the practical relations between the two countries.

Based on last year's agreement between the Qinghai Governorate and Ardebil province, the two sides decided to cooperate on Tibetan carpets, potatoes, and corn oil and planting crops.

Environmental protection and clean energy are among the capacities of this province, she said.

We hope to experience pleasing results in these cases and the rapid development of the green industry, Ying added.

Meanwhile, an expert from the Center for Public and Media Diplomacy of Iran said the relations between Iran and China have a long history and have always been peaceful.

The civilizational complexities of Iran and China have never been comprehensible to the West, and Westerners are unable to understand the cultural and social relations of the two countries, he added.

Media is the best tool for expanding bilateral cooperation, he noted.



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