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Home Culture Cultural News SCO media summit discusses Western sanctions inhumane nature

SCO media summit discusses Western sanctions inhumane nature

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SCO media summit discusses Western sanctions inhumane nature

The meeting in China's financial hub was held to deliberate on the future direction and strategic plans of this formidable Eurasian political, economic, security, and defense bloc.

As the SCO represents a significant portion of the world's population and economy, the meeting's focal points were diverse, covering internal growth, external security, and practical decision-making.

Amid rapidly changing geopolitical dynamics, speakers at the summit reiterated that the SCO is not an enemy of the West and poses no threat to any nation.

The main objectives of this powerful regional bloc, they asserted, are to stimulate economic growth among member states, bolster security, and establish strong regional alliances.

Participants reaffirmed their respective countries' commitment to strengthening the organization to enhance regional ties and defend against internal and external threats.

Press TV correspondent at the conference emphasized the pressing need to establish a system within the SCO to safeguard and support member states targeted by Western sanctions.

He argued that developing such a mechanism would bring mutual benefits, protecting sanctions-battered countries while allowing them to share their experiences in navigating and neutralizing sanctions.

Professor Pan Guang, a senior researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and chief expert at the China National Institute for SCO (CNISCO), expressed China's strong opposition to these punitive measures against independent countries.

He insisted that China views sanctions as a stance against humanity and advocated for collective efforts from all SCO member countries to oppose and thwart these draconian measures.

As a prime driver of the geopolitical landscape, the SCO represents nearly two-thirds of the Eurasian landmass, close to 40 percent of the global population, and around one-third of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

As an SCO member, the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys increased trading opportunities, resistance to sanctions, and broader financial exchanges within this powerful regional grouping.

Iran was announced as a new permanent member of the SCO in September 2022, following relentless efforts by the Ebrahim Raeisi administration.



Mount Damavand is the highest peak in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia.

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One of the most important things to remember is that Iranians aren’t Arabs, they’re Persian. They speak Farsi (and other dialects), not Arabic, and some people might feel offended if you great them with Arabic words.
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