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Home Life and Style Food and Drink Ginger Halva; A Yummy Traditional Iranian Confection

Ginger Halva; A Yummy Traditional Iranian Confection

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This type of halva, which is usually served with tea after meals, is harder than the typical kind of Halva. Flour, butter, oil, ginger, cardamom, powdered sugar and powdered walnut are usually used to make this type of halva, which is put into square-shaped moulds.

It is interesting to know that in most restaurants in Tabriz, they serve tea and halva free of charge after the meal.

Ginger Halva; A Yummy Traditional Iranian Confection

Powdered sugar: 1.

Put the flour into a casserole and put it on mild heat. Keep mixing the flour with a wooden spoon until it is roasted and begins to smell good. Then remove the flour from the oven and sieve it.

Put the sieved flour in the casserole again and add butter. Sauté it until the butter is completely absorbed by the flour. Then remove the casserole from the heat, add powdered cardamom and powdered walnut, and mix them.

Let the mixture cool down a little bit (the flour should not be too hot, so that the powdered sugar will not melt and the halva will get crispy). Then sieve the powdered sugar onto it and mix them. Put the mixed materials in a dish or mould and press them down with the back of a spoon or by hand.

Sprinkle powdered sugar and shredded pistachios on it and cut it into squares or diamonds. Put the dish in the fridge until the halva becomes cold and hard.

Ginger Halva; A Yummy Traditional Iranian Confection

You may add saffron to the halva to make it taste the same. You may also garnish the halva with liquid chocolate.



Mount Damavand is the highest peak in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia.

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Things to Know Before Trip
One of the most important things to remember is that Iranians aren’t Arabs, they’re Persian. They speak Farsi (and other dialects), not Arabic, and some people might feel offended if you great them with Arabic words.
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